Welcome Back, English Alumni

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Alumni of the English Department have always been an interesting breed, or more accurately, "breeds." The usual suspects--writers, poets, lawyers, professors, schoolteachers--are well-represented, but we branch out into libraries, publishing houses, museums, printing presses, TV newsrooms, government service, administration, business, technology and medicine. And we have fanned out geographically as well, from New York City to Southern California, from the Pacific Northwest to Florida. If you are far-flung, distanced either by space or time, travel through cyberspace and come "home" to the department. We still have a lot going on that you will remember; just as importantly, you can learn the Who, What, Why and How of the Department in its current state.

Here is just a small sampling of SVC English grads.

We welcome you to add yourself to this growing list. Send an email stating your name while in college, your married name if your college name has changed, your year of graduation, your current occupation, a comment on that occupation, and a memory or two of the department (hopefully positive). Send to william.snyder@email.stvincent.edu If you don't mind the possibility of being contacted by current students who may want to benefit from your point of view, or other alums who may read your entry and want to connect, then embed your contact info into the paragraph.

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